Stay active throughout winter with our top tips!
For children, exercise means mainly playing and being physically active. Children exercise when they are at The Little Blue Door playing with friends and spending time outside, riding bikes and playing games and that’s only for starters. 2020 will see the return of our Zumba classes and the launch of our Nature School in collaboration with Oakwood School.
The Many Benefits of Exercise
Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Active children and babies will have:
Did you know that active children and babies also sleep better too?
We have listed some great activities that you can do with your child as the nights are drawing in making it hard to spend time outside:
How Much Exercise Is Enough?
Toddlers and preschool children should play actively several times per day. Toddlers should get at least 60 minutes of active play every day and pre-schoolers should have at least 180 minutes of active play every day. This time should include planned, adult-led physical activity and active free play.
Babies should be encouraged to be active throughout each day. Before your baby begins to crawl, encourage them to be physically active by reaching and grasping, pulling and pushing, moving their head, body and limbs during daily routines, and during supervised floor play, including tummy time.
Enjoy and remember we are always here for any advice or sharing of ideas.
For a shot of motivation take a look a look this short video!